## version $VER: PowerCrawler.catalog 3.01 (??.??.??) ## language ?????? ## codeset 0 ; **** SOME ERROR MESSAGES **** ERR_NOSCREEN ;Can't open Screen!\n ERR_NOWINDOW ;Can't open window!\n ERR_NOVINFO ;Can't get Visual-Info!\n ERR_NOGADGETS ;Can't create Gadgets!\n ERR_NOEDITWIN1 ;Can't open Map-Window!\n ERR_NOEDITWIN2 ;Can't open Tool-Window!\n ERR_NOEDITWIN3 ;Can't open Special-Window!\n ERR_NOMEMLBUFFER ;There's not enough free memory to\n\ ;create the Map-Buffer!\n ERR_NOBRUSHTABLE ;Out of memory: Can't create\n\ ;Brush-Table!\n ERR_NOACTFONT ;Can't open actual Screen-Font?!?\n ERR_NOGFX ;Can't open graphics.library V39!\n ERR_NOINT ;Can't open intuition.library V39!\n ERR_NOGAD ;Can't open gadtools.library V39!\n ERR_NOASL ;Can't open asl.library V39!\n ERR_NOLAY ;Can't open layers.library V39!\n ERR_NODSK ;Can't open diskfont.library!\n ERR_NOICL ;Can't open icon.library V39!\n ERR_NOWBL ;Can't open workbench.library V39!\n ERR_NODTL ;Can't open datatypes.library!\n ERR_NOIFF ;Can't open iff.library!\n ERR_NOKEYMAP ;Can't open keymap.library V37!\n ERR_CREATEMENUS ;CreateMenus-Call returned Error!\n ERR_LAYOUTMENUS ;LayoutMenus-Call returned Error!\n ERR_SETMENUSTRIP ;SetMenuStrip-Call returned Error!\n ERR_NOTOPAZ8 ;Couldn't open Topaz.font 8!\n ERR_NOMODEREQ ;Can't open Screenmode-Requester!\n ERR_CANTGETFONT ;Can't open Font!\n ERR_NOLV ;Can't create List-View\n\ ;Gadget!\n ERR_NOMSG ;Can't create Message-Port!\n ERR_NOICON ;Can't get Default Icon!\n ERR_NOAPPICON ;Can't create Application-Icon!\n ERR_NOTMPBMP ;Can't create temporary\n\ ;Bitmap!\n ERR_NOMINIBMP ;Can't create OneBlock-Bitmap!\n ERR_NOBMP ;Can't create Bitmap!\n ERR_NOPIXELBUFFER ;Can't create Pixel-Buffer:\n\ ;Out of memory!\n ERR_NOLEVELBUFFER ;There's no Map-Buffer in\n\ ;memory!\n ERR_NOLAYOUT ;The Layout-Call (DTM_ProcLayout)\n\ ;has returned an error!\n ERR_NOTALLDATAS ;Couldn't get all necessary\n\ ;data!\n ERR_IFFNOOPEN ;Can't open file!\n ERR_IFFNOREAD ;Can't read file!\n ERR_UNEXPECTEDEOF ;File-Error:\n\ ;Unexpected End of File\n ERR_IFFNOIFF ;This is no IFF-ILBM File!\n ERR_IFFERR ;The iff.library has\n\ ;returned an error!\n ERR_NOBMHD ;Can't find the BMHD-Chunk!\n ERR_NOCMAP ;Can't find the CMAP-Chunk!\n ERR_CANTDECODE ;Can't decode Iff-File!\n ERR_NOTMYPROJECT ;This is no PowerCrawler-\n\ ;Project File!\n ERR_NOTMYPREFS ;This is no PowerCrawler-\n\ ;Settings File!\n ERR_NOTMYLEVEL ;This is no PowerCrawler-\n\ ;Map File!\n ERR_NOTMYEXTPROGRAM ;This File is no PowerCrawler-\n\ ;External-Routine File.\n ERR_NOMEMFORUNDO ;There's not enough free memory\n\ ;to create the Undo-Buffer!\n ERR_NOMEMFORCONVERT ;There's not enough memory to create\n\ ;the Convert-Buffer!\n ERR_NOMEM ;Not enough memory!\n ERR_NOBACKWIN ;Can't create Backdrop-Window!\n ERR_NOPICMODE ;You have to select a Screenmode\n\ ;for the Blocks-Picture first!\n ERR_NOIFFILBM ;Not a IFF-ILBM-File!\n ERR_IFFNOTCOMPLETE ;The IFF-File is not complete!\n ERR_IFFUNKNOWNCOMPR ;The IFF-File has an unknown\n\ ;compression!\n ERR_TOOMANYPLANES ;The Picture has more than 256\n\ ;Colors which is not (yet) sup-\n\ ;ported by PowerCrawler!\n ERR_DOSREQ ;DOS-Error %d: ERR_MUSTOPENPIC ;You have to load the Blocks-\n\ ;Picture first!\n ERR_MUSTOPENPICMASK ;Can't load Mask if there's no\n\ ;Picture!\n\ ;Load a Blocks-Picture first!!\n ERR_MUSTGETMODE1 ;Select a Screenmode first!\n ERR_NOMASKMEM ;There's actually no\n\ ;Mask in memory!\n ERR_NOPIC ;There's no Picture in\n\ ;memory!\n ERR_FONT2BIG4WB ;The Font is too big. There\n\ ;would not be enough space\n\ ;for the window!\n ERR_NOFLIPTABLE ;There's no Flip-Table\n\ ;in memory!\n ; **** LOGO WINDOW **** MSG_LOGO ;Registered to: MSG_LOGOUNREG ;< unregistered > ; **** NAME FOR APPLICATION ICON **** MSG_APPNAME ;>PowerCrawler< ; **** MAIN WINDOW **** MSG_TITLE ;PowerCrawler by Georg Steger MSG_WBTITLE ;PowerCrawler V 1.31 (C) Copyright 1999 by Georg Steger. All rights reserved! ; **** ASL WINDOW-TITLES **** MSG_ASKPRJLOAD ;PowerCrawler: Load Project MSG_ASKPICLOAD ;PowerCrawler: Load Picture MSG_ASKLEVELLOAD ;PowerCrawler: Load Map MSG_ASKMASKLOAD ;PowerCrawler: Load Mask MSG_ASKPRJSAVE ;PowerCrawler: Save Project MSG_ASKLEVELSAVE ;PowerCrawler: Save Map MSG_ASKPREFSLOAD ;PowerCrawler: Load Settings MSG_ASKPREFSSAVE ;PowerCrawler: Save Settings MSG_ASKFONTWB ;Font WorkBench MSG_ASKFONTEDIT ;Font Edit-Screen MSG_ASKFONTFIX ;Font Edit-Screen Fix ; **** WINDOWTITLES FOR MAIN WINDOW WHILE INACTIVE **** MSG_TITLELOAD ;PowerCrawler: (Loading picture) MSG_TITLEEDIT ;PowerCrawler: (Editing map) MSG_TITLEASKFILE ;PowerCrawler: (Choosing file) MSG_TITLESETTINGS ;PowerCrawler: (Doing Settings) MSG_TITLEASKMODE ;PowerCrawler: (Choosing Screenmode) ; **** GADGETS OF MAIN WINDOW **** GADS_1 ;_Project GADS_2 ;P_icture GADS_3 ;_Map GADS_4 ;Se_ttings GADS_5 ;_New Project GADS_6 ;_Save Project GADS_7 ;_Edit Map GADS_8 ;S_ave Map GADS_9 ;Inf_ormation GADS_10 ;_Quit! ; **** MENU OF MAIN WINDOW **** MENU_PROJECT ;Project ITEM_P_NEWPROJECT ;New Project CMD_P_NEWPROJECT ITEM_P_LOAD ;Load SITEM_P_L_PROJECT ;Project ... CMD_P_L_PROJECT SITEM_P_L_PICTURE ;Picture ... CMD_P_L_PICTURE SITEM_P_L_MAP ;Map ... CMD_P_L_MAP ITEM_P_SAVE ;Save SITEM_P_S_PROJECT ;Project ... CMD_P_S_PROJECT SITEM_P_S_MAP ;Map ... CMD_P_S_MAP ITEM_P_EDITMAP ;Edit Map CMD_P_EDITMAP ITEM_P_INFO ;Information CMD_P_INFO ITEM_P_ICONIFY ;Iconify CMD_P_ICONIFY ITEM_P_QUIT ;Quit CMD_P_QUIT MENU_MASK ;Mask ITEM_M_CREATE ;Create ... CMD_M_CREATE ITEM_M_INVERT ;Invert CMD_M_INVERT ITEM_M_KILL ;Kill CMD_M_KILL ITEM_M_SHOW ;Show CMD_M_SHOW ;\x00 ITEM_M_LOAD ;Load ... CMD_M_LOAD ;\x00 MENU_SETTINGS ;Settings ITEM_S_MAPANDMODESET ;Map/ScreenModes ... CMD_S_MAPANDMODESET ITEM_S_FONTWB ;Font WB-Screen SITEM_S_FWB_STANDARD ;Standard Screen-Font CMD_s_FWB_STANDARD ;\x00 SITEM_S_FWB_SELECT ;Select ... CMD_S_FWB_SELECT ITEM_S_FONTEDIT ;Font Edit-Screen SITEM_S_FED_STANDARD ;Standard Screen-Font CMD_S_FED_STANDARD ;\x00 SITEM_S_FED_SELECT ;Select ... CMD_S_FED_SELECT ITEM_S_FONTFIX ;Font Edit-Screen Fix SITEM_S_FIX_TOPAZ ;Topaz 8 CMD_S_FIX_TOPAZ ;\x00 SITEM_S_FIX_SELECT ;Select ... CMD_S_FIX_SELECT ITEM_S_PICLOADER ;Pic-Load-Routine SITEM_S_PLOAD_INTERN ;Internal CMD_S_PLOAD_INTERN ;\x00 SITEM_S_PLOAD_IFF ;Iff-Library CMD_S_PLOAD_IFF ;\x00 SITEM_S_PLOAD_DTYPE ;Datatypes CMD_S_PLOAD_DTYPE ;\x00 ITEM_S_MASKROUTINE ;Mask-Blit-Routine SITEM_S_MR_OS1 ;OS Mode 1 CMD_S_MR_OS1 ;\x00 SITEM_S_MR_OS2 ;OS Mode 2 CMD_S_MR_OS2 ;\x00 SITEM_S_MR_OS3 ;BltMaskBitMapRastPort CMD_S_MR_OS3 ;\x00 ITEM_S_AUTOPOINT ;Autopoint SITEM_S_AP_MAP ;Map Window CMD_S_AP_MAP ;\x00 SITEM_S_AP_TOOL ;Tool Window CMD_S_AP_TOOL ;\x00 SITEM_S_AP_BRUSH ;Brush Window CMD_S_AP_BRUSH ;\x00 ITEM_S_EDITCOL ;Colors Edit-Screen SITEM_S_EC_EXTRAPLANE ;Extra-Plane CMD_S_EC_EXTRAPLANE SITEM_S_EC_REMAP0 ;Remap Color 0 CMD_S_EC_REMAP0 SITEM_S_EC_CHANGE0 ;Change Color 0 CMD_S_EC_CHANGE0 ITEM_S_PREZOOM ;Precalc Zoom CMD_S_PREZOOM ITEM_S_NOUNDO ;No Undo-Buffer CMD_S_NOUNDO ITEM_S_PROJECTCHANGE ;Project-Changing ... CMD_S_PROJECTCHANGE ITEM_S_TOOLTYPES ;Tooltypes ... CMD_S_TOOLTYPES ITEM_S_LOADDEFAULT ;Load default CMD_S_LOADDEFAULT ITEM_S_LOADSETTINGS ;Load Settings ... CMD_S_LOADSETTINGS ITEM_S_SAVEDEFAULT ;Save as default CMD_S_SAVEDEFAULT ;\x00 ITEM_S_SAVESETTINGS ;Save Settings ... CMD_S_SAVESETTINGS ;\x00 MENU_CONFIRM ;Confirm ITEM_C_QUIT ;Quit Program CMD_C_QUIT ;\x00 ITEM_C_NEWPROJECT ;New Project CMD_C_NEWPROJECT ;\x00 ITEM_C_LOADPIC ;Load Picture (normal) CMD_C_LOADPIC ;\x00 ITEM_C_LOADPICPRJ ;Load Picture (Project) CMD_C_LOADPICPRJ ;\x00 ITEM_C_REMAP0 ;Remap Color 0 CMD_C_REMAP0 ;\x00 ITEM_C_CHANGEPICMODE ;Change Pic-Mode CMD_C_CHANGEPICMODE ;\x00 ITEM_C_CHANGEMAPSETTINGS ;Change Map-Settings CMD_C_CHANGEMAPSETTINGS ;\x00 ITEM_C_KILLMASK ;Kill Mask CMD_C_KILLMASK ;\x00 ITEM_C_KILLFLIP ;Kill Flip-Table CMD_C_KILLFLIP ;\x00 ITEM_C_OVERWRITE ;Overwrite Files CMD_C_OVERWRITE ;\x00 MENU_LOADER ;Loader ITEM_L_INTERN ;Internal CMD_L_INTERN ;\x00 MENU_SAVER ;Saver ITEM_V_INTERN ;Internal CMD_V_INTERN ;\x00 ; **** MAP/SCREENMODE SETTINGS WINDOW **** MSG_TITLE2 ;PowerCrawler: Settings GADS_11 ;_Block-Size X - Y GADS_12 ;Map-_Width GADS_13 ;Map-_Height GADS_14 ;_Layers GADS_15 ;_Mem-Type GADS_16 ;_Picture GADS_17 ;_Edit GADS_18 ;Screenmode GADS_19 ;_Transparent GADS_20 ;Block 0 GADS_21 ;Block -1 GADS_22 ;_Confirm GADS_23 ;_Abort GADS_24 GADS_25 MSG_NOMODETXT ; ; **** PROJECT WINDOW **** PRJWINTITLE ;PowerCrawler: Save Project PRJWINTITLE2 ;PowerCrawler: Load Project PRJCHANGETITLE ;Project-Changing: Save what? PRJGADS_1 ;_Map PRJGADS_2 ;_Brushs PRJGADS_3 ;_Settings PRJGADS_4 ;_Filenames PRJGADS_5 ;Flip-_Table PRJGADS_6 ;Mas_k PRJGADS_7 ;_Confirm PRJGADS_8 ;_Abort ; **** CREATE MASK WINDOW **** MSG_MASKTITLE ;PowerCrawler: Transparent Color ... ; **** FUNCTION NOT AVAILABLE REQUESTER **** MSG_REGISTER ;This function is not available\n\ ;in the unregistered Version of\n\ ;PowerCrawler!!! What about re-\n MSG_REGISTER2 ;gistering to the Shareware\n\ ;Version!?\n\ ;Read the file Register.readme MSG_REGISTERASK ;I will _register!|_Forget it! ; **** NERVE REQUESTER **** MSG_NERVETITLE ;PowerCrawler: Still unregistered?! MSG_NERVEMSG ;Enter this to continue: ; **** EDIT SCREEN **** MSG_SCREENTITLE ;PowerCrawler 1.31 by Georg Steger! MSG_EDIT1TITLE MSG_FLIPPINGXTITLE ;Flip X: RMB to abort! MSG_FLIPPINGYTITLE ;Flio Y: RMB to abort! MSG_EDIT2TITLE ;Tools ; **** SHORTCUTS **** ; Freehand, Line, Rectangle, Filled Rectangle, AirBrush, Fill, ; Brush Cut, Clear, Undo, Layer 1 .. Layer 10, Zoom Plus, Zoom Minus, ; Brush -, Brush +, Block -,Block + KEYS_EDIT1 ;dvrRafbKu1234567890+-/*[] ; **** SPECIAL WINDOW **** MSG_E3GADS1 MSG_E3GADS2 ;Special-Operations MSG_E3GADS2S MSG_BRUSHNONAME ; MSG_BRUSHNOBRUSH ;---------------- ; **** BRUSH WINDOW **** MSG_BRUSHTITLE ;Brush BRUSHGADS_1 ;_New BRUSHGADS_2 ;_Kill BRUSHGADS_3 ;_Sort BRUSHGADS_4 ;_Info BRUSH2GADS_1 ;_New BRUSH2GADS_2 ;_Kill BRUSH2GADS_3 ;_Sort BRUSH2GADS_4 ;_Info ; **** EDIT MENUS **** EMENU_PROJECT ;Project EITEM_P_EXIT ;Exit ECMD_P_EXIT ; ** The Brush Menu's Shortcuts are simple ones (no AMIGA-Key) ; ** so they must be different from the ones in KEYS_EDIT1 !!!!!!! ; ** They are also CASE SENSITIVE and so should be lowercase! EMENU_BRUSH ;Brush EITEM_B_FLIPX ;Flip X ECMD_B_FLIPX EITEM_B_FLIPY ;Flip Y ECMD_B_FLIPY EITEM_B_KILL ;Kill ECMD_B_KILL ; **** SPECIAL OPERATIONS MENU **** EMENU_SPECIAL ;Special Operations EITEM_S_COPYBLOCK ;Block -> Block ECMD_S_COPYBLOCK EITEM_S_SWAPBLOCK ;Block <-> Block ECMD_S_SWAPBLOCK EITEM_S_COPYLAYER ;Layer -> Layer ECMD_S_COPYLAYER EITEM_S_SWAPLAYER ;Layer <-> Layer ECMD_S_SWAPLAYER EITEM_S_FLIPX ;Flip X ECMD_S_FLIPX EITEM_S_FLIPY ;Flip Y ECMD_S_FLIPY EITEM_S_MAPPREVIEW ;Create Map-Preview ECMD_S_MAPPREVIEW EITEM_S_FLIPTABLE ;Flip-Table ... ECMD_S_FLIPTABLE EMENU_SETTINGS ;Settings EITEM_T_BACKDROP ;Backdrop ECMD_T_BACKDROP EITEM_T_TOOLBOX ;Toolbox ECMD_T_TOOLBOX EITEM_T_SPECIALBEHIND ;Hide Special Window ECMD_T_SPECIALBEHIND EITEM_T_TRANSPBRUSH ;Transparent Brush ECMD_T_TRANSPBRUSH EITEM_T_FLIPTABLE ;Use Flip-Table ECMD_T_FLIPTABLE EITEM_T_SUPERCURSOR ;Super-Cursor ESITEM_T_SC_NEVER ;Never ECMD_T_SC_NEVER ESITEM_T_SC_STANDARD ;Standard delay ECMD_T_SC_STANDARD ESITEM_T_SC_ALWAYS ;Always ECMD_T_SC_ALWAYS ;+ ; **** CLEAR WINDOW **** MSG_DELTITLE ;Clear DELGADS_1 ;_Range DELGADS_2 DELGADS_3 ;View DELGADS_4 ;_Layers DELGADS_5 DELGADS_6 ;Actual DELGADS_7 ;_Clear DELGADS_8 ;_Fill DELGADS_9 ;_Abort ; **** AIRBRUSH SETTINGS WINDOW **** MSG_AIRTITLE ;Airbrush AIRGADS_1 ;Circle AIRGADS_2 ;Rectangle AIRGADS_3 ;_Type AIRGADS_4 ;_Size AIRGADS_5 ;_Pause AIRGADS_6 ;_Movement ; **** LINE SETTINGS WINDOW **** MSG_LINETITLE ;Line LINEGADS_1 ;_Type LINEGADS_2 ;Normal (Pattern) LINEGADS_3 ;1 Point/Column LINEGADS_4 ;1 Point/Line ; **** FILL SETTINGS WINDOW **** MSG_FILLTITLE ;Fill FILLGADS_1 ;_Type FILLGADS_2 ;Normal FILLGADS_3 ;Horizontal FILLGADS_4 ;Vertical FILLGADS_5 ;_Reference-Point ... FILLSETREL_TITLE ;Reference-Point: RMB = Abort! ; **** ZOOM SETTINGS WINDOW **** MSG_ZOOMTITLE ;Zoom ZOOMGADS_1 ;Zoom (in Percent) ZOOMGADS_2 ZOOMGADS_3 ZOOMGADS_4 ;Zoom (in Pixel) ZOOMGADS_5 ZOOMGADS_6 ; **** BLOCK/LAYER REPLACE/SWAP WINDOW **** MSG_OPTITLE_REPLBLOCK ;Replace Block MSG_OPTITLE_SWAPBLOCK ;Swap Block MSG_OPTITLE_REPLLAYER ;Replace Layer MSG_OPTITLE_SWAPLAYER ;Swap Layer OPGADS_1 ;_Range OPGADS_2 OPGADS_3 ;View OPGADS_4 ;_Layers OPGADS_5 OPGADS_6 ;Actual OPGADS_7 ;_Calculate OPGADS_8 ;_Exit! OPGADS_POPBLOCK ; **** BRUSH INFORMATION WINDOW **** MSG_BRUSHINFOTITLE ;Brush-Information MSG_EnterBrName ;Enter a name for the Brush! BIGADS_1 ;_<-- BIGADS_2 ;--_> MSG_NAME ;Name MSG_WIDTH ;Width MSG_HEIGHT ;Height MSG_LAYERS ;Layers MSG_MEMTYPE ;Mem-Type MSG_MEMORY ;Memory MSG_BYTE ;BYTE MSG_WORD ;WORD ; **** FLIPTABLE CONTROL WINDOW **** MSG_FLIPTITLE ;Flip-Table FLIPGADS_1 ;_Create new FLIPGADS_2 ;_Kill FLIPGADS_3 ;_Edit RFLIPGADS_1 ;AB=BA MSG_NEWFLIP ;There's already a Flip-Table\n\ ;in memory!\n MSG_ASKNEWFLIP ;_Convert!|Create _new!|_Abort! MSG_ASKFLIPKILL ;Are you sure you want\n\ ;to kill the Flip-Table?\n ; **** MAP-PREVIEW CREATION WINDOW **** MAPTITLE ;Map-Preview MSG_MAPSCREENTITLE ;PowerCrawler: Map-Preview MSG_MAPNEWRANGETITLE ;Select Range: RMB to abort! MSG_MAPWAITTITLE ;PowerCrawler: Creating Preview: MAPGADS_1 ;_Blocksize X - Y MAPGADS_2 ;Screensize MAPGADS_3 ;_Range MAPGADS_4 ;_Create MAPGADS_5 ;_Abort MSG_MAPASKSAVE ;PowerCrawler: Save Preview MSG_SAVINGMAP ;Saving Preview! ; **** MENUS ON MAP-PREVIEW SCREEN **** MMENU_PROJECT ;Project MITEM_REDRAW ;Redraw MCMD_REDRAW MITEM_SAVEPREVIEW ;Save Preview MCMD_SAVEPREVIEW MITEM_QUIT ;Quit MCMD_QUIT ; **** EXTERNAL ROUTINES **** XIO_ERROR ;External Routine Error:\n\ ;Operation failed!\n XIO_READERROR ;External Routine Error:\n\ ;Could not read file!\n XIO_WRITEERROR ;External Routine Error:\n\ ;Could not write file!\n XIO_DOSERROR ;External Routine Error:\n\ ;DOS has returned an error!\n XIO_NOMEMORY ;External Routine Error:\n\ ;Out of memory!\n XIO_WRONGFORMAT ;External Routine Error:\n\ ;Wrong format!\n XIO_NOMAPBUFFER ;External Routine Error:\n\ ;There doesn't seem to be\n\ ;any Map-Buffer!\n ; **** MISC STUFF MISC STUFF **** MSG_SURETOQUIT ;Are you sure you want\n\ ;to quit PowerCrawler?\n MSG_SURENEW ;All Data will be removed from\n\ ;memory (Blocks-Picture, Map-\n\ ;Buffer, Brushs, Mask, ...)!!\n\ ;Are you sure?\n MSG_WANTPICTOLOAD ;I am going to load:\n\ ;%s\n MSG_YESNO ;_Yes!!|_No!! MSG_CONFIRMCANCEL ;_Confirm|_Abort MSG_ENDPROGRAM ;_Quit program! MSG_NORMREQ ;_Continue... MSG_REQTITLE ;PowerCrawler: Message MSG_PICFORMAT ;Picture Format:\n\ MSG_WEUSETOPAZ ;The Standard Screen-Font is\n\ ;too big. Topaz.font 8 will\n\ ;be used instead!\n MSG_ABOUT ;-> PowerCrawler 1.31 by Georg Steger <-\n\ ;MEMORY USAGE:\n\ MSG_ABOUT2 ;Map Buffer : %lD\n\ ;Brushes : %lD\n\ ;Flip-Table : %lD\n\ ;Temp Projects : %lD\n\ ;Total : %lD\n MSG_ABOUT3 ;Picture : %lD x %lD x %lD\n\ ;Mask : %lD x %lD x %lD\n MSG_ABOUT4 ;AVAILABLE MEMORY:\n\ ;Chip: %lD Fast: %lD Total: %lD\n MSG_MODETITLE ;PowerCrawler: Select Screenmode! MSG_ASKCHANGEMODE ;Do you want the Screenmode of the\n\ ;actual Blocks-Picture to be changed?\n MSG_LEVELHEREREQ ;There's already a Map-Buffer in\n\ ;memory. What shall I do?\n MSG_LEVELHEREREQA ;_Convert!|Create _new!|_Abort MSG_COMPRESSED ;(COMPRESSED) MSG_COMPRESSED_NU ;(UNKNOWN COMPRESSION!!) MSG_MASK1 ;(MASK[1]) MSG_MASK2 ;(MASK[2]) MSG_MASKNU ;(MASK[UNKNOWN]) MSG_FORGET ;_Forget it... MSG_LOADPIC ;_Load Picture!| ;REM: DON'T FORGET THE '|' AT THE END!!! MSG_CONVERTING ;PowerCrawler: Converting! MSG_PLEASEWAIT ;PowerCrawler: Please wait! MSG_REMAPPING ;PowerCrawler: Remapping Color 0! MSG_CREATINGMASK ;PowerCrawler: Creating Mask! MSG_ASKREMAP ;Shall I remap Color 0\n\ ;of the actual Picture?\n MSG_ASKDELMASK ;Are you sure you want to\n\ ;kill the Mask?\n MSG_ERROR ;Error\n MSG_BADSIZE ;The Mask's size is different\n\ ;from the Picture's one!\n MSG_ASKBADSIZE ;_Never mind!|_Abort!!! MSG_OVERWRITE ;"%s" already exists!\n\ ;Do you want to overwrite it?\n MSG_PRECALCINGTITLE ;PowerCrawler: Zoom Pre-Calc! ERR_REDOMAPWINDOW ;Can't reopen Map-Window!\n\ ;Probably you are out of\n\ ;memory. Free some memory\n\ ;and retry!\n ERR_ASKREDOMAPWINDOW ;_Retry!|_Quit Program! MSG_ASKNOTIFFDTYPE ;Try with _Datatypes!|_Abort! ;************ V E R S I O N 1 . 3 0 ********************** ; **** NEW MENUS ON EDIT SCREEN **** EITEM_T_LAYERCONTROL ;Layer control ... ECMD_T_LAYERCONTROL ; **** LAYER CONTROL REQUESTER **** LCTRL_TITLE ;Layer control LCTRL_DISPLAY ;Display LCTRL_TRANSPARENCY ;Transparency LCTRL_ALL ;_All LCTRL_NONE ;_None LCTRL_INVERT ;_Invert